Our Mission

Our Mission Statement

  I would like to take this time to introduce myself and Innovative Material Handling. Below is some information about our company and it’s capabilities for consideration in the facility you are preparing to build.

  At Innovative Handling, we think in terms of systems when we solve material handling problems. By letting us evaluate all of you internal materials handling functions and needs, you could save a great deal of money. We can discuss all types of solutions, from completely manual low level stores to automated high rise stores.  Our job is to help companies reduce high material handling costs using a combination of software and hardware to address the customers total needs.

  In addition to equipment for all types of material handling systems, including Unarco racking, Harrington cranes and hoists, Multiton pallet moving equipment, Lyon shelving and work stations, conveyors, and dock equipment (seals, levelers, etc.), we provide a complete material handling systems analysis and design service. While we certainly hope the customer will utilize Innovative Material Handling for turnkey supplier (equipment, installation and support) we are pleased to provide this service at no charge.

  Past projects have accomplished a 30-40% savings in square footage required for the storage of materials as well as 50% reduction in labor costs for the operation of the facility due to a more efficient layout.

  I look forward to discussing future opportunities with you.


                                                                                           Alan Williams

800.992.2453 Toll Free
317-240-3612 Fax     317-240-3611 Voice